4 - The least upper bound property
Where we left off last time
Construction of the reals: The construction of the reals was motivated by noticing that has little "gaps." The rationals have an order, they have an arithmetic, but there are gaps. In particular, not every bounded set has a supremum. So, for instance, we think about the rational numbers as being ordered on a line, but we noted, for instance, that there are some lengths that do not appear as a rational number. If we give the hypotenuse of a right triangle with leg lengths 1 and 1 a name, namely (this symbol only stands for this length right now ... we still do not quite know what really means), then this length lies somewhere on our number line, but it is not represented by a rational. Now, how exactly do we get at the apparent gap there without referring to the actual point at the gap? There are lots of rationals that actually get really close to the square root of 2 such as
as Rudin notes on the first page of his book. These numbers, in some sense, sort of encroach on this particular length we are currently denoting by , but there's nothing right there (i.e., there is no rational number there exactly). So how do we get at the gaps? The fact that has gaps points out that not every bounded set has a supremum in . In particular, all of the rationals to the left of (or the rightmost edge of the set ), that set, does not have a supremum. The set does not have a least upper bound.
Absence of LUB: We noted that does not have the least upper bound property. Recall that a set has the least upper bound property if every nonempty subset of that has an upper bound (in ) has a least upper bound (in ). If in this statement, then we know such a property fails to exist (the set is a concrete counterexample).
Filling in the gaps: The idea, then, is to fill in the gaps somehow. And how would we do that? Well, if we fill in the gaps, we hope to get something that we would think of as the real numbers, but how do you do that without referring to the gaps themselves? The idea is that if we want to get at a particular endpoint, then we can do so by just looking at the rationals that, in fact, approach that endpoint and just refer to that endpoint by the rationals that lead up to it. That's the key idea behind a Dedekind cut. You can think of a cut essentially as cutting the rationals at a particular point and looking at everything to the left. So a cut is a subset of rationals that's not trivial (i.e., it's not empty and it's not everything), it's closed to the left or closed downward, and it has no largest member. That's what a cut is. And the set of real numbers will just be the set of all cuts: .
Defining endpoints: If some real numbers (like the length "") are given by endpoints of subsets (like ), then let's define that endpoint by the subset "approaching" it.
Checking properties of cuts
We had some things to "check" from last time concerning defining the real numbers as a set of cuts. What did we need to check?
Order: How did we define an order of cuts? How did we define whether or not one cut was "less than" another? If one is included in the other. Thus, our notion of order was essentially by inclusion (recall two cuts were equivalent by mutual subset inclusion).
Arithmetic: We also defined an arithmetic which includes the operations and , and these operations were notions that we developed that were what you might expect. In particular, if a cut is a collection of rationals ... if we have a cut and a cut , then their sum, , will be the sum of rationals where one of those rationals is from and the other from . That's what we defined addition to be. And multiplication was defined somewhat similarly. You just have to worry a little bit about the signs of multiplying things that are negative. You should check that is, in fact, an ordered field.
Playing nicely: By now we have an order on , we see as a field, but does the order on play nicely with the operations of the field? Yes. We can actually think about this without writing anything down necessarily. Give me a cut, say , and suppose it's less than another cut . If we add the same quantity to both and , then is order preserved? Yes. So order is preserved by addition. Try to think similarly about multiplication.
More properties to verify for : Next up is to verify a few properties of that we claimed were true last time but that we have not yet verified. In particular, does contain as a subfield? Yes. The set extends . Let's see why that's true. To show that actually extends as a subfield, what we mean is, "Is there a natural way that the rationals sit embedded in this construction of , where we think of as a collection of cuts?" So which cuts correspond to the rational ones? Just as we constructed from and identified the integer with the rational , we will now need to identity a rational number with its real number counterpart that is being represented as a cut. If the idea is to associate to points on the line the rationals to the left of it, then which collection will correspond to rational points on such a line? We can think of all rationals to the left of such a rational. So associate to some rational the cut . This is clearly a cut. (You should check this.) And the claim is this association shows how is embedded in the reals. Check that the function , which is the mapping , satisfies the field operations and do so in a one-to-one way. (If you've taken algebra, then you would think of as an injection of one field into another field.) So check that preserves , , and order. What do we mean by that? If we add two rationals, say , and look at the associated cut , then the claim is that this is the same as the cut associated to one rational plus the cut associated to the other; that is, . Also, if we have , then we should also have . The function is an injection in the sense that you will never have different rationals being associated to the same cut. Why? Let's take the rational 1 and . Could they be associated to the same cut? No. Because the set of things to the left of them will be different. (One of them will have more than the other.) The function is one-to-one. So does contain as a subfield. Using new notation, we write to indicate that is a subfield of .
Moment of reflection: What all have we just done? We've defined an object that looks like the real numbers we know and love which was our goal. It sits along a line, it has an order, it has an arithmetic, and some of the things in it behave like the rationals. And it's defined completely in terms of the rationals. A cut is a collection of rationals. Now, once we starting working and elucidating the properties of the real numbers, we'll stop thinking of them as collections of rationals. Just like when we work with fractions we do not think of them as ordered pairs. We think of them as fractions because we have different properties associated with them. So what have we done? We've constructed the real numbers, the rationals sit inside them in a nice way. But there's still an objection. What about that damned thing we call the square root of 2 or ? Notice that the length which we have called by the funny symbol "" actually sits in the the line . It is a certain cut. Which cut? It's the cut that consists of all rationals such that the square is less than 2 (or, just to make sure it's a cut and closed completely to the left, we should probably add what?) or all the rationals less than 0.
(If we just had , then would not be a cut because it is not closed downward. For example, we could have and ; then , , and , but , making fail property (ii) of being a cut.)
Symbolically, let's say
Then we can check, using the definition of multiplication, that . Really? What was the definition of multiplication? Well, it looked something like looking at all possible products, at least for things that are considered to be positive — all possible products of pairs of things, one from one cut and the other from the other cut. Both cuts are in this case. And is it not the case that if you take a bunch of those then you will get something that basically creeps up on 2 instead of creeping up on the length ""? So this creature lies in ; that is, the length "" lies in . So what have we done? We've shown that extends , we've shown that is an ordered field, and then the last thing that we wanted to show from the theorem is that has the least upper bound property which does not have.
How do we know that R has the least upper bound property?
Cuts and least upper bounds: If is a collection of cuts (i.e., real numbers), and we wish to take their supremum. To show that something has the least upper bound property we want to show that if the set is bounded then it has a least upper bound. So we'll assume that the collection of cuts has an upper bound. Let's call it . So you can envision sketching out a bunch of cuts, where they are all bounded by some . Then what is the candidate for the supremum here? The claim is that the supremum exists and so we should come up with a candidate. We said last time what the candidate should be. Recall the candidate should be the set of all of the cuts in but the smallest such set. (The cut is an upper bound that contains all other cuts but it may not be the smallest such set.) Let
It should be fairly clear that