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4 - The least upper bound property

Where we left off last time

  • Construction of the reals: The construction of the reals was motivated by noticing that Q\Q has little "gaps." The rationals have an order, they have an arithmetic, but there are gaps. In particular, not every bounded set has a supremum. So, for instance, we think about the rational numbers as being ordered on a line, but we noted, for instance, that there are some lengths that do not appear as a rational number. If we give the hypotenuse of a right triangle with leg lengths 1 and 1 a name, namely 2\sqrt{2} (this symbol only stands for this length right now ... we still do not quite know what 2\sqrt{2} really means), then this length lies somewhere on our number line, but it is not represented by a rational. Now, how exactly do we get at the apparent gap there without referring to the actual point at the gap? There are lots of rationals that actually get really close to the square root of 2 such as

    1,1.4,1.41,1.414,1.4142,1, 1.4, 1.41, 1.414, 1.4142, \ldots

    as Rudin notes on the first page of his book. These numbers, in some sense, sort of encroach on this particular length we are currently denoting by 2\sqrt{2}, but there's nothing right there (i.e., there is no rational number there exactly). So how do we get at the gaps? The fact that Q\Q has gaps points out that not every bounded set has a supremum in Q\Q. In particular, all of the rationals to the left of 2\sqrt{2} (or the rightmost edge of the set A={xQx2<2}A=\{x\in\Q\mid x^2<2\}), that set, does not have a supremum. The set AA does not have a least upper bound.

  • Absence of LUB: We noted that Q\Q does not have the least upper bound property. Recall that a set SS has the least upper bound property if every nonempty subset of SS that has an upper bound (in SS) has a least upper bound (in SS). If S=QS=\Q in this statement, then we know such a property fails to exist (the set AA is a concrete counterexample).

  • Filling in the gaps: The idea, then, is to fill in the gaps somehow. And how would we do that? Well, if we fill in the gaps, we hope to get something that we would think of as the real numbers, but how do you do that without referring to the gaps themselves? The idea is that if we want to get at a particular endpoint, then we can do so by just looking at the rationals that, in fact, approach that endpoint and just refer to that endpoint by the rationals that lead up to it. That's the key idea behind a Dedekind cut. You can think of a cut essentially as cutting the rationals at a particular point and looking at everything to the left. So a cut is a subset of rationals that's not trivial (i.e., it's not empty and it's not everything), it's closed to the left or closed downward, and it has no largest member. That's what a cut is. And the set of real numbers will just be the set of all cuts: R={αα is a cut}\R=\{\alpha\mid\alpha\ \text{is a cut}\}.

  • Defining endpoints: If some real numbers (like the length "2\sqrt{2}") are given by endpoints of subsets (like {qq2<2}\{q\mid q^2<2\}), then let's define that endpoint by the subset "approaching" it.

Checking properties of cuts

We had some things to "check" from last time concerning defining the real numbers as a set of cuts. What did we need to check?

  • Order: How did we define an order of cuts? How did we define whether or not one cut was "less than" another? If one is included in the other. Thus, our notion of order was essentially by inclusion (recall two cuts were equivalent by mutual subset inclusion).

  • Arithmetic: We also defined an arithmetic which includes the operations ++ and ×\times, and these operations were notions that we developed that were what you might expect. In particular, if a cut is a collection of rationals ... if we have a cut α\alpha and a cut β\beta, then their sum, α+β\alpha+\beta, will be the sum of rationals where one of those rationals is from α\alpha and the other from β\beta. That's what we defined addition to be. And multiplication was defined somewhat similarly. You just have to worry a little bit about the signs of multiplying things that are negative. You should check that R\R is, in fact, an ordered field.

  • Playing nicely: By now we have an order on R\R, we see R\R as a field, but does the order on R\R play nicely with the operations of the field? Yes. We can actually think about this without writing anything down necessarily. Give me a cut, say α\alpha, and suppose it's less than another cut β\beta. If we add the same quantity to both α\alpha and β\beta, then is order preserved? Yes. So order is preserved by addition. Try to think similarly about multiplication.

  • More properties to verify for R\R: Next up is to verify a few properties of R\R that we claimed were true last time but that we have not yet verified. In particular, does R\R contain Q\Q as a subfield? Yes. The set R\R extends Q\Q. Let's see why that's true. To show that R\R actually extends Q\Q as a subfield, what we mean is, "Is there a natural way that the rationals sit embedded in this construction of R\R, where we think of R\R as a collection of cuts?" So which cuts correspond to the rational ones? Just as we constructed Q\Q from Z\Z and identified the integer nn with the rational n1\frac{n}{1}, we will now need to identity a rational number qq with its real number counterpart that is being represented as a cut. If the idea is to associate to points on the line the rationals to the left of it, then which collection will correspond to rational points on such a line? We can think of all rationals to the left of such a rational. So associate to some rational qQq\in\Q the cut q={rQr<q}q^*=\{r\in\Q\mid r<q\}. This is clearly a cut. (You should check this.) And the claim is this association shows how qq is embedded in the reals. Check that the function f ⁣:QRf\colon\Q\to\R, which is the mapping qqq\mapsto q^*, satisfies the field operations and do so in a one-to-one way. (If you've taken algebra, then you would think of ff as an injection of one field into another field.) So check that ff preserves ++, ×\times, and order. What do we mean by that? If we add two rationals, say r+sr+s, and look at the associated cut (r+s)(r+s)^*, then the claim is that this is the same as the cut associated to one rational plus the cut associated to the other; that is, (r+s)=r+s(r+s)^*=r^*+s^*. Also, if we have r<sr<s, then we should also have r<sr<s. The function ff is an injection in the sense that you will never have different rationals being associated to the same cut. Why? Let's take the rational 1 and 45\frac{4}{5}. Could they be associated to the same cut? No. Because the set of things to the left of them will be different. (One of them will have more than the other.) The function ff is one-to-one. So R\R does contain Q\Q as a subfield. Using new notation, we write Q={qqQ}\Q'=\{q* \mid q\in\Q\} to indicate that Q\Q' is a subfield of R\R.

  • Moment of reflection: What all have we just done? We've defined an object that looks like the real numbers we know and love which was our goal. It sits along a line, it has an order, it has an arithmetic, and some of the things in it behave like the rationals. And it's defined completely in terms of the rationals. A cut is a collection of rationals. Now, once we starting working and elucidating the properties of the real numbers, we'll stop thinking of them as collections of rationals. Just like when we work with fractions we do not think of them as ordered pairs. We think of them as fractions because we have different properties associated with them. So what have we done? We've constructed the real numbers, the rationals sit inside them in a nice way. But there's still an objection. What about that damned thing we call the square root of 2 or 2\sqrt{2}? Notice that the length which we have called by the funny symbol "2\sqrt{2}" actually sits in the the line R\R. It is a certain cut. Which cut? It's the cut that consists of all rationals such that the square is less than 2 (or, just to make sure it's a cut and closed completely to the left, we should probably add what?) or all the rationals less than 0.

    (If we just had γ={q:q2<2}\gamma=\{q:q^2<2\}, then γ\gamma would not be a cut because it is not closed downward. For example, we could have p=1p=1 and q=2q=-2; then pγp\in\gamma, qQq\in\Q, and q<pq<p, but q∉γq\not\in\gamma, making γ\gamma fail property (ii) of being a cut.)

    Symbolically, let's say

    γ={q:q2<2 or q<0}.\gamma=\{q:q^2<2\ \text{or}\ q<0\}.

    Then we can check, using the definition of multiplication, that γ2=2\gamma^2=2^*. Really? What was the definition of multiplication? Well, it looked something like looking at all possible products, at least for things that are considered to be positive — all possible products of pairs of things, one from one cut and the other from the other cut. Both cuts are γ\gamma in this case. And is it not the case that if you take a bunch of those then you will get something that basically creeps up on 2 instead of creeping up on the length "2\sqrt{2}"? So this creature γ2=2\gamma^2=*2 lies in R\R; that is, the length "2\sqrt{2}" lies in R\R. So what have we done? We've shown that R\R extends Q\Q, we've shown that R\R is an ordered field, and then the last thing that we wanted to show from the theorem is that R\R has the least upper bound property which Q\Q does not have.

How do we know that R has the least upper bound property?

  • Cuts and least upper bounds: If AA is a collection of cuts (i.e., real numbers), and we wish to take their supremum. To show that something has the least upper bound property we want to show that if the set is bounded then it has a least upper bound. So we'll assume that the collection of cuts AA has an upper bound. Let's call it β\beta. So you can envision sketching out a bunch of cuts, where they are all bounded by some β\beta. Then what is the candidate for the supremum here? The claim is that the supremum exists and so we should come up with a candidate. We said last time what the candidate should be. Recall the candidate should be the set of all of the cuts in AA but the smallest such set. (The cut β\beta is an upper bound that contains all other cuts but it may not be the smallest such set.) Let

    γ=αAα.\gamma=\bigcup_{\alpha\in A}\alpha.

    It should be fairly clear that γ\gamma is a subset of Q\Q. We're thinking of γ\gamma as a candidate for the supremum, but the first thing we had better check is that γ\gamma is actually a real number, that it is a cut. We need to first check that γ\gamma is a cut, and then check that γ=supA\gamma=\sup A. Why is γ\gamma a cut? To see that γ\gamma is a cut, we must check three things, properties (i)-(iii). Instead of writing down everything carefully as is done in your book, let's look at the properties from the standpoint of whether or not the properties are believable:

    • Property (i) [nontrivial]: Why is γ\gamma nontrivial? What isn't γ\gamma empty? It contains a bunch of alphas or α\alpha which are nonempty. Why is γ\gamma not everything? Because it's bounded above by β\beta. If γ\gamma were not bounded above, then γ\gamma could have possibly been everything.

    • Property (ii) [closed downward]: Why is γ\gamma closed downward? It's the union of things that are closed downward. So if you pick one thing in γ\gamma, then because this chosen thing is in the union it means that that thing must be in some α\alpha, where this α\alpha (and all other α\alpha, of course) is closed downward. So then everything to the left of that thing must also be in α\alpha (because α\alpha is closed downward); therefore, everything to the left of the chosen thing must be in γ\gamma.

    • Property (iii) [no largest member]: Why is there no largest member of γ\gamma? Again, if you pick some thing in γ\gamma, then this thing must be in some α\alpha. But α\alpha has no largest member; therefore our chosen thing has something bigger than it in α\alpha, which means this something bigger is in γ\gamma.

    In summary, the closed downward and no largest member parts follow from the fact that each xγx\in\gamma is in some α\alpha.

  • Our least upper bound: Okay so γ\gamma is a cut. Now let's see why it is a supremum. Why is γ\gamma the least upper bound? First of all, is it clear that γ\gamma is actually an upper bound? If γ\gamma is a union of things and if order is inclusion, then it should be clear that γ\gamma is an upper bound. It contains everything! That is, γ\gamma contains all the α\alpha in AA. What is the last thing we need to check? That γ\gamma is the least upper bound. That's there's no great bound for AA that is smaller than γ\gamma.

  • Why we have a least upper bound: Note that γ\gamma is a least upper bound because if δ<γ\delta<\gamma, then there must be something in γ\gamma that is not in δ\delta. (This follows from how order is defined by inclusion.) Let's give this something a name, say xx. Since xγx\in\gamma, then xαx\in\alpha for some αA\alpha\in A. So why is δ\delta not an upper bound for all the αA\alpha\in A? Well, because xαx\in\alpha for some α\alpha for which δ\delta is not an upper bound. More succinctly, if δ<γ\delta<\gamma, then there exists xγδx\in\gamma-\delta. So xx is in some α\alpha in AA, but not in δ\delta, so δ\delta is not an upper bound for AA.

  • Summary: What we have now: we have an ordered field, it extends the rationals, and it has the least upper bound property. And, in fact, we claim that this characterizes the real numbers. There is no other field that in fact is an ordered field and has the least upper bound property.

What is so unique about R?

  • The big theorem: Theorem 1.19 in Rudin is a huge result:

    Theorem 1.19: There exists an ordered field R\R which has the least-upper-bound property. Moreover, R\R contains Q\Q as a subfield.

    Something we are not going to prove that takes a little more work but is good to note is that, in fact, there is no other field with this property. The set R\R is the only ordered field with the least upper bound property. So if you see any other field with the least upper bound property the claim is that it is isomorphic to R\R. You'll be able to find a way to map the elements of that field into the elements of R\R in a one-to-one and onto way that preserves all of the field operations.

  • Consequences of least upper bound property: Now that we know R\R is an ordered field with the least upper bound property, we don't have to think of real numbers as subsets of rational numbers. Why? Well, our construction of R\R showed us how to define the reals in terms of things we've defined before. But now look — I could think of, if I want, the particular length "2\sqrt{2}" as the supremum of a bunch of rational numbers,


    and we claim that is exactly what the decimal representation of a real number is doing. The shorthand for saying, "Hey, let's take the supremum of the creatures


    is to write this as


    What this means is, "Give me the real number that is the supremum of this collection of rationals." That's what the decimal representation is. How do we know the supremum exists? Because of the least upper bound property of the real numbers. So now you can think of real numbers as decimal representations, and you sort of know where this number comes from now. That's certainly one way to think about the length 2\sqrt{2}.

  • Square roots in general: More generally, you could convince yourself that if you want something whose square is 5, for instance, I could find that something by making a definition very similar to that for 2\sqrt{2} as a length of a right triangle or as a supremum of a set. For instance, we could define the nnth root of aa, or a1/na^{1/n}, as the supremum of all rationals whose nnth power is less than aa:

    a1/n=defsup{qqn<a}.a^{1/n}\stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\sup\{q \mid q^n<a\}.

    What this definition is really saying is, "Roots exist." Why can we do this? Well, sup{qqn<a}\sup\{q \mid q^n<a\} is a real number, it's the supremum of a bunch of rationals, each of which is clearly bounded. The real numbers have the least upper bound property, and I know that supremum exists. And, of course, what you have to convince yourself of is that when you multiply this together nn times you get aa, and that takes a little bit of work. So you can check that (a1/n)n=a(a^{1/n})^n=a; that is, if you take a1/na^{1/n} to the nnth power, you will, in fact, get the cut that's equivalent to aa.

    Student question: What if we tried to solve the equation γ2=1\gamma^2=-1? Well, in the particular definition

    a1/n=defsup{qqn<a},a^{1/n}\stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\sup\{q \mid q^n<a\},

    what would go wrong with this definition, if, say, a=1a=-1 and n=2n=2? It's not a cut---what's not a cut? The set (1)1/2=sup{qq2<1}(-1)^{1/2}=\sup\{q\mid q^2<-1\} would be empty. You wouldn't be taking the supremum of anything. The set {qq2<1}\{q\mid q^2<-1\} would be empty. (See this question for a discussion of why, in the extended reals, we have sup()=\sup(\emptyset)=-\infty and inf()=+\inf(\emptyset)=+\infty. Thus, in this case, without the knowledge of complex numbers and without restricting our definition, we might say (1)1/2=sup()=(-1)^{1/2}=\sup(\emptyset)=-\infty.) So we need, in this case, for a>0a>0; otherwise, the set is empty and the supremum won't exist. So we don't have a way yet of finding solutions to the equation γ2=x\gamma^2=x when xx is negative, but we will very soon when dealing with complex numbers. Also in our definition, we could have a<0a<0 but nn odd, and this would work, but recall the primary motivation for our work constructing the reals which was to prove the existence of a solution to the equation x2=2x^2=2; thus, in general, our goal is to prove the existence of nnth roots of positive reals, and the "length interpretation" of the solution to x2=2x^2=2 can be seen as a large, motivating factor. Of course, algebraically, yes, we do need to take account of the fact that, in our definition above, it is perfectly sensible to let a<0a<0 when nn is odd. In light of these boundary considerations, recasting our definition with some additional constraints may be wise, namely,

    a1/n=defsup{qqn<a},a^{1/n}\stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\sup\{q \mid q^n<a\},

    where now we will stipulate that we must have a>0a>0 and n>0n>0, where aa is any positive real number and nn is any positive integer.

  • Greatest lower bound: Let's talk about the counterpart to the supremum. We have a name for this. We have a least upper bound. There's also a concept of the greatest lower bound (glb). Its name is infimum. So if you give me a set AA and it has a greatest lower bound, then we find it and call it the set's infimum or infA\inf A. You will show some properties concerning this; for example, you'll show that if the infimum of a set AA exists, then we have infA=sup(A)\inf A=-\sup(-A). A set's infimum may not exist, but it will exist, of course, if the set is bounded below. This is not true in Q\Q, but it is true in R\R. So it's basically the corresponding property where instead of the least upper bound property we note that R\R also satisfies the greatest lower bound property.

  • Important observation concerning bounds: Hopefully we have begun to see and\slash or appreciate that this concept of supremum, the least upper bound, is a hugely important concept. It's what makes the real numbers different from just the rationals. It allows, as we will see to come, the idea of a limit, which is fundamental to calculus. And so this property plays a huge role. So it makes sense for us to talk about a few properties of suprema and infima.

What are some of the consequences and properties of suprema/infima?

  • Archimedean property: If you give me two real numbers xx and yy, where we demand x>0x>0, then we claim that there exists a positive integer nn such that we can multiply nn and xx and eventually the product will be greater than yy. That is, under the given conditions, we claim that nx>ynx>y. This property seems fairly self-evident and easy enough, but it is a consequence of the least upper bound property. It's equivalent to thinking about the following statement: If we just let y=1y=1, then what this property is saying is that if x>0x>0 then there exists a natural number such that 1n<x\frac{1}{n}<x. That is, some reciprocal of a positive number (i.e., 1n\frac{1}{n}) is going to eventually be smaller than xx (i.e., eventually we have 1n<x\frac{1}{n}<x for a given xx and nn sufficiently large). Do the rationals also have the Archimedean property? Yes, but we'll need to draw some distinctions about this. We'll do that after proving the Archimedean property.

  • Proof of Archimedean property: Let's look at the collection of all multiples of xx for nn a natural number: A={nxnN}A=\{nx\mid n\in\N\}. The claim is nxnx is eventually bigger than yy. If it's not true, then the hope is we will eventually get a contradiction. If AA were bounded by yy (that's what it would mean for the statement not to be true, that yy is bigger than everything; that is, we'd have nx<ynx<y for all nn), then yy is an upper bound of AA. But AA is a collection of real numbers, and thus bounded above; thus, AA has a least upper bound by the least upper bound property. Let's call it α\alpha. So supA=α\sup A=\alpha. How is this going to help us get a contradiction? Well, if α\alpha is a least upper bound, then what has to be true about anything smaller than α\alpha? It cannot be an upper bound! So then α\alpha minus, oh let's subtract something convenient (how about subtracting xx?). Since xx is positive, we'll have αx<α\alpha-x<\alpha. So αx\alpha-x is not an upper bound of AA. But if αx\alpha-x is not an upper bound, then αx\alpha-x is less than some multiple of xx, and let's call that multiple mm. So we have αx<mx\alpha-x<mx for some mNm\in\N. Hence, α<(m+1)x\alpha<(m+1)x, a contradiction. The contradiction obtained here is due to the fact that even though α\alpha is an upper bound for AA, we see that α\alpha is less than the quantity (m+1)x(m+1)x even though (m+1)x(m+1)x is a member of the set AA. So α\alpha is not an upper bound for AA, our contradiction.

  • Rationals and the Archimedean property: The rationals certainly seem to have the Archimedean property (after all QRQ\subset\R), but could we use the proof above to show that Q\Q has the Archimedean property? No. Why not? There's no requirement for a least upper bound for the set AA. So if we wanted to show this property, we would have to show it in a different way.

  • Density of Q\Q in R\R: The Archimedean property for R\R may seem like an innocuous statement, but it actually has another consequence that is worth pointing out and that may be surprising. Between any real numbers xx and yy, where x<yx<y, there exists a rational qQq\in\Q such that x<q<yx<q<y. Stated as a theorem:

    Theorem. Between x,yRx,y\in\R, x<yx<y, there exists qQq\in\Q such that x<q<yx<q<y.

    The above theorem is often stated verbally by saying that "Q\Q isdense in R\R." Formally, this means that if you take any interval of real numbers, then there exists a rational number in that interval. Why is that? Let's prove it. It's not too bad to show once the Archimedean property has been established.

  • Proof of density of Q\Q in R\R: Let's use the fact that the originally given form of the Archimedean property is equivalent to the form where if you give me a positive real xx, then there exists a positive integer nn such that 1n<x\frac{1}{n}<x. More succinctly, for any real x>0x>0, there exists nNn\in\N such that 1n<x\frac{1}{n}<x. So let's choose nn such that 1n<yx\frac{1}{n}<y-x. (This is the Archimedean property in action, and recall that we are assuming x<yx<y so yxy-x represents the distance between points here.) Envisioning this on the number line, we're thinking of two points xx and yy, where x<yx<y, looking at their difference, yxy-x, and finding a reciprocal 1n\frac{1}{n} that's smaller than that difference. And if we imagine the difference between xx and yy as being really really small, then nn might be quite large. Now, consider multiples of 1n\frac{1}{n}:

    1n,2n,3n,4n,5n,.\frac{1}{n},\frac{2}{n},\frac{3}{n},\frac{4}{n},\frac{5}{n},\ldots .

    What do you know about the multiples of 1n\frac{1}{n}, also by the Archimedean property? They're unbounded. They'll get as large as you like. What does that mean? Well, if they're unbounded, then eventually they're bigger than the number xx. So we'll choose the first multiple such that mn>x\frac{m}{n}>x; that is, we're picking the very first multiple of 1n\frac{1}{n} that just got beyond xx. A visual:


    Now our claim is that mn<y\frac{m}{n}<y. That is, our first multiple of 1n\frac{1}{n} just beyond xx has to live between xx and yy. It won't also be beyond yy. Why is that? If not, then what would we have? We would have the following inequalities:

    m1n<xandmn>y.\frac{m-1}{n}<x \qquad\text{and}\qquad \frac{m}{n}>y.

    But these inequalities, taken together, imply that


    Why? Because m1n<x\frac{m-1}{n}<x implies 1mn>x\frac{1-m}{n}>-x and we add the two inequalities above to get 1mn+mn>yx\frac{1-m}{n}+\frac{m}{n}>y-x or, when simplified, 1n>yx\frac{1}{n}>y-x. This is contradicts our original assumption that 1n<yx\frac{1}{n}<y-x. Hence, it must be the case that mn<y\frac{m}{n}<y. Since it is also the case that x<mnx<\frac{m}{n}, we get the inequality


    by transitivity, as desired.

  • Properties of suprema: Let's conclude by listing some properties of suprema which will be useful as you work with them. And they are all rather self-evident.

    1. Let γ\gamma be an upper bound for a set AA. Then supAγ\sup A\leq\gamma if and only if γ\gamma is an upper bound for AA.
    2. Suppose you know for all αA\alpha\in A that αγ\alpha\leq\gamma. Then supAγ\sup A\leq\gamma.

    Note: What does the property above mean? In effect, it means that if you have an inequality that says all α\alpha is bounded by γ\gamma, then you can insert supA\sup A without changing the inequality; that is, αγ\alpha\leq\gamma implies that supAγ\sup A\leq\gamma.

    1. Suppose you know that for all αA\alpha\in A that α<γ\alpha<\gamma. Then supAγ\sup A\leq\gamma.

    Note: For the property above, it may be tempted to write supA<γ\sup A<\gamma as a conclusion, but that is not necessarily the case. You could think about this as when you take the supremum remember that it could actually achieve the bound even if everything is less than γ\gamma. For instance, look at all the negative real numbers. Certainly all the negative real numbers are strictly less than 0, but the supremum of the negative real numbers is 00.

    1. If γ<supA\gamma<\sup A, then there exists αA\alpha\in A such that γ<αsupA\gamma<\alpha\leq\sup A.

    2. If ABA\subset B, then supAsupB\sup A\leq\sup B. For all αA\alpha\in A, αB\alpha\in B so αsupB\alpha\leq\sup B. By property 2, supAsupB\sup A\leq\sup B.

    3. How might we show when supA=supB\sup A=\sup B? One strategy would be to show that for every αA\alpha\in A, there exists βB\beta\in B, such that αβ\alpha\leq\beta. Showing this would show that supAsupB\sup A\leq\sup B. Why? Well, the argument is similar to that in the property above except that you don't have the fact that αB\alpha\in B. But if you can show that α<β\alpha<\beta, then β<supB\beta<\sup B, and therefore supB\sup B is a bound for all things in AA because there's an element for each of them works and therefore bigger than supA\sup A. The method is similar for \geq.

    To show an upper bound is a least upper bound, then there are really two strategies for doing this. First you show it is an upper bound, and then you either show that anything that is smaller isn't an upper bound or you show that if something is an upper bound that all the other upper bounds are bigger than it.