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17 - Complete spaces

Where we left off last time

Where did we leave off last time and where were we going? Something about complete spaces.

  • Cauchy sequences: Last time we made a curious definition, that of a Cauchy sequence, which is a sequence where all the points of a sequence get close to each other, and we wanted to see what some of the consequences of being Cauchy were. We saw that if a sequence converged, then it was Cauchy. In the other direction, we inquired as to whether or not all Cauchy sequences were convergent in every metric space, and we saw the answer was no. This motivated the definition of a ``complete space'' where all Cauchy sequences converge. Thus, in a complete space, being convergent and being Cauchy are the same thing. That is why complete spaces are of interest. But then the big question was which spaces are complete.

  • Spaces that are complete: Last time we saw that Q\Q was not complete. We conjectured that maybe R\R is. On the way to seeing whether or not this conjecture is true, let's try to establish another conjecture, that about compact spaces being complete.

  • Compact metric spaces are complete: What's an example of a compact metric space? How about the interval [0,1][0,1]? We know R\R is not compact because it's unbounded. What's another example of a compact metric space? How about a set that is finite? Is it true that in a finite metric space, one with only 5 points in it, you have a sequence that, if it is Cauchy, then it converges? We have 5 possibilities, and I have to pick an infinite string of things, and they all get close to each other eventually, then what must be true? This sequence, which may hop around initially, must do what? It must settle down on one and stay because all the points are getting close to each other. As soon as ϵ\epsilon gets smaller than the minimum distance between 2 points, then all the points have to be at the same point of the space. That's kind of a trivial theorem when the space is finite.

    Compact spaces are a little more interesting concerning convergence, but they are not too far off the idea presented above for finite sets. And remember that compactness is the next best thing to being finite. The proof below will use the insight we established last time, namely that compactness implies sequential compactness. So we are going to use that fact.

    To show a space is complete, what we want to do is take a sequence, say {xn}\{x_n\}, and let it be Cauchy in XX. What is our goal? Our goal is to show {xn}\{x_n\} converges. To do that, of course, we need to figure out what point it converges to. That would be nice to specify here. Now, since XX is compact, it is sequentially compact, meaning every sequence has a convergent subsequence. How are we going to use that fact here to show that {xn}\{x_n\} converges? Well, there exists a subsequence, {xnk}\{x_{n_k}\} converging to a point of XX. Let's call this point of convergence xXx\in X.

    Let's draw ourselves a picture of a sequence in XX and a point xXx\in X of interest:

    In particular, we've identified a subsequence (the circled points) which appears to be converging to xx:

    Where do we go from here? We want to show that the entire sequence converges to the point xx. How are we going to show that all of the other points also get close to xx if our subsequence {xnk}\{x_{n_k}\} gets close to xx? Consider one point that is not circled. Past some point of the sequence, non-circled points are all close to circled points. And circled points are close to xx. So what we want to try to do then is show that non-circled points are also close to xx. For any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, we want to show that all the points are eventually within ϵ\epsilon (in the picture we've zoomed in):

    So past what point of the sequence would we like to take a look? Well, past a point that will get the circled points within how far of xx? How about ϵ2\frac{\epsilon}{2}? So maybe past some ϵ2\frac{\epsilon}{2} all the circled points are within ϵ2\frac{\epsilon}{2} of xx. Past some point there's a big NN for which that is true:

    How far would we like to look for the Cauchy part? How about when they are within ϵ2\frac{\epsilon}{2} of xx as well? And that might happen for a different index NN. Then take the maximum of the indices beyond which both of these things are true. That's the basic idea. Let's make this precise.

    Fix ϵ>0\epsilon>0. Since {xn}\{x_n\} is Cauchy, there exists N1N_1 such that if i,jN1i,j\geq N_1, then d(xi,xj)<ϵ2d(x_i,x_j)<\frac{\epsilon}{2}. Since XX is compact, it is sequentially compact, which means we have a subsequence {xnk}\{x_{n_k}\} that converges to xx. That is, there exists N2N_2 such that nkN2n_k\geq N_2 implies d(xnk,x)<ϵ2d(x_{n_k},x)<\frac{\epsilon}{2}. Let N=max{N1,N2}N=\max\{N_1,N_2\}. If nNn\geq N, then d(xn,x)d(xn,xnk)+d(xnk,x)d(x_n,x)\leq d(x_n,x_{n_k})+d(x_{n_k},x) for any nkNn_k\geq N (fix one). So we have

    d(xn,x)d(xn,xnk)+d(xnk,x)<ϵ2+ϵ2=ϵ.\begin{align*} d(x_n,x) &\leq d(x_n,x_{n_k})+d(x_{n_k},x) \\[1em] &<\tfrac{\epsilon}{2}+\tfrac{\epsilon}{2}\\[1em] &=\epsilon. \end{align*}

    Thus, given ϵ>0\epsilon>0, we found an NN that shows xnxx_n\to x. So we've used the Cauchy definition here in a very essential way. So what does this mean? It means XX is complete. And this is for any sequence since {xn}\{x_n\} was arbitrary.

    An exceedingly quick corollary is that [0,1][0,1] is a complete metric space. Not only that, but if you want to look at a compact set in a larger space, isn't the kk-cell complete? Yes, the ones in Rn\R^n. Lots of things now we know are complete. Is Rn\R^n complete? It's not compact, we know that. Is Euclidean space complete? Yes! Why? We've just shown that compact spaces are complete. Even though Rn\R^n is not compact, can we show that it is complete? Can we show that every Cauchy sequence converges? Yes. Before doing this, one thing to note is that another example of complete spaces is if you take a closed subset of a compact set, then it must be complete because they are compact. In particular, Cantor sets are complete. As another corollary, Rn\R^n is complete. This is basically easy to justify because Cauchy sequences are bounded and they'll live in a bounded subset of Rn\R^n. Let's write out the proof idea.

  • Rn\R^n is complete: If {xn}\{x_n\} is Cauchy, then it is bounded. (To show Cauchy sequences are bounded, recall the mental picture: The points are getting close to each other. So you give me an ϵ>0\epsilon>0, and past some point in the sequence all the points are within ϵ\epsilon of each other; thus, there are only finitely many points are not. So basically take one of the points within ϵ\epsilon, and look at the maximum distance from it to all the points not within ϵ\epsilon and add ϵ\epsilon as well. More concretely, let ϵ=17\epsilon=17. Then there exists NN such that for all n,mNn,m\geq N we have d(xn,xm)<17d(x_n,x_m)<17. So let R=max{d(xN,x1),,d(xN,xN1),17}R=\max\{d(x_N,x_1),\ldots,d(x_N,x_{N-1}),17\}. So the sequence is bounded by a ball of radius RR around xNx_N or simply by BR(xN)B_R(x_N).)

    So if a sequence is Cauchy, then it is bounded. If it is bounded, then it is in a ball. If it's in a ball, then you could just put it in a closed ball or a closed kk-cell. So BR(xN)B_R(x_N)\subset some kk-cell in Rn\R^n, so BR(xN)B_R(x_N)\subset is complete and {xn}\{x_n\} converges because kk-cells are complete.

    What have we just done? We have shown that if we take a Cauchy sequence in Rn\R^n, then it necessarily converges. That is, Rn\R^n is complete. What does this mean? Well, in the space we care most about, namely Rn\R^n, to be Cauchy is the same as being convergent. So we don't need to know what the limit is of a sequence to show that a sequence actually has a limit.

  • Example 1: Does the sequence


    converge? The first term is 1. The second term is 1.5. And so on. If you just write out the first few terms, then it's unclear whether or not it converges. In fact, xnx_n grows very slowly. Does it converge? How could we tell? We could ask whether or not it is Cauchy. If it is Cauchy, then we know it converges. If we show it is not Cauchy, then it diverges.

    Consider the difference between the first nn reciprocals and the first mm reciprocals (where let's just assume n>mn>m):

    xnxm=(1++1m+1m+1++1n)(1++1m)(by definition)=1m+1+1m+2++1n(by arrangement)=1m+1+1m+2++1n(since n>m)nmn(nm terms, each 1n)=1mn.(simplify)\begin{align*} |x_n-x_m| &=\biggl|\biggl(1+\cdots+\frac{1}{m}+\frac{1}{m+1}+\cdots+\frac{1}{n}\biggr)-\biggl(1+\cdots+\frac{1}{m}\biggr)\biggr| & \text{(by definition)}\\[1em] &=\biggl|\frac{1}{m+1}+\frac{1}{m+2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{n}\biggr| & \text{(by arrangement)}\\[1em] &= \frac{1}{m+1}+\frac{1}{m+2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{n} & \text{(since $n>m$)}\\[1em] &\geq \frac{n-m}{n} & \text{($n-m$ terms, each $\geq\tfrac{1}{n}$)}\\[1em] &= 1-\frac{m}{n}. & \text{(simplify)} \end{align*}

    Let n=2mn=2m (there's nothing you can do to stop me from doing that), then we see that


    and this is true for every nn. Does this sequence have any hope of being Cauchy? No, it cannot be Cauchy because as soon as you let ϵ<12\epsilon<\frac{1}{2}, then you will never find a point in the sequence beyond which all of the terms are closer than 12\frac{1}{2} from each other because we've just shown that pairs of terms infinitely far out, as far as you would like to go, have a distance greater than 12\frac{1}{2} from each other. So this sequence is not Cauchy and therefore diverges.

  • Example 2: Suppose x1=1x_1=1, x2=2x_2=2, and xn=12(xn1+xn2)x_n=\frac{1}{2}(x_{n-1}+x_{n-2}). Does this sequence converge? Well, we have no idea what its limit is, but if we can show it is Cauchy, then we will know whether or not it has a limit. It will not tell us what that limit is, but it will tell us whether or not it exists. This sequence is Cauchy and therefore converges in R\R, but this would not actually be the case in Q\Q because we wouldn't know if the limit were rational. Where do such sequences arise? Lots of places such as recursive methods for finding roots. This is Newton's method. You can show it converges theoretically without finding its limit.

Incomplete spaces

What happens if we look at spaces that are not complete?

  • Embedding an incomplete space in a complete space: If XX is not complete, can it be embedded in a space that is complete? It's helpful to think about a universe that consists only of Q\Q, and maybe we could say a sequence converges not in Q\Q but to some point in a larger space, which we have not yet defined. So Q\Q can be embedded in R\R, it turns out, and we can see why the more general question of embedding an incomplete space in a complete space might be of interest.

  • Theorem about embedding metric spaces: Every metric space (X,d)(X,d) has a completion (X,d)(X^*,d). What do we mean by completion here? What we mean is there is a way to define a big space (X,d)(X^*,d) that has, as a subset, a smaller space (X,d)(X,d), such that the metric dd on the big space, when restricted to the smaller space, gives the same metric dd as the small space. Let's sketch out the idea here. Before doing so, it's instructive to think about the fact that there may be many completions. Thus, in what sense, if any, is the completion we are about to construct unique, as it is defined? Because we could, for instance, embed Q\Q in R2\R^2. So this theorem says there is a completion, but the proof actually shows you exactly what completion it is, and the construction is actually unique, as it is defined, but there could in theory be several completions that are not isomorphic, but the one the proof suggests is unique.

  • Idea for metric space embedding theorem: In what follows, where XX is written, think Q\Q for ease of thought, but XX could be any metric space. (See [17], exercise 24, for the full exercise.) How are we going to get at those things that are not already in the space? We've done something like this before. We can use Cauchy sequences! If my space has some gaps in it, then well we cannot really talk about the gaps because we don't have a way of defining them (recall the problem with nailing down what 2\sqrt{2} actually was). Maybe we can get at those gaps using things that are already in the space, namely the Cauchy sequences that are in the space!

    Given XX, let X={set of all Cauchy sequences inX}X^*=\{\text{set of all Cauchy sequences in}\, X\}, but there is a slight problem with this definition of XX^*. If we left the definition of XX^* as it currently stands, then there are way too many things in this space. It's huge. So imagine the rationals. There are lots of Cauchy sequences that converge to 0. So I don't want to say they are all different. So I am going to look at the set of all Cauchy sequences under an equivalence relation!

    Thus, given XX, let

    X={set of all Cauchy sequences in X under the equivalence relation },X^*=\{\text{set of all Cauchy sequences in $X$ under the equivalence relation $\sim$}\},

    and of course we now have to say what the equivalence relation \sim actually is. We will say {pn}{qn}\{p_n\}\sim\{q_n\} are equivalent if limnd(pn,qn)=0\lim_{n\to\infty} d(p_n,q_n)=0. (Note how we avoided saying {pn}\{p_n\} and {qn}\{q_n\} are equivalent if they have the same limit because some Cauchy sequences do not converge or have a limit in some metric spaces. So we will say they are equivalent if their difference gets small, and we communicate that idea by writing limnd(pn,qn)=0\lim_{n\to\infty} d(p_n,q_n)=0.) What's beautiful here is that you can define a metric on this. For P,QXP,Q\in X^*, where we note that PP and QQ are points in our metric space XX^* while each one is a sequence in the other metric space XX, let's define a distance between them. Let Δ(P,Q)=limnd(pn,qn)\Delta(P,Q)=\lim_{n\to\infty}d(p_n,q_n), where {pn}P\{p_n\}\in P and {qn}Q\{q_n\}\in Q, and note that these are simply equivalence class representatives of PP and QQ, respectively. Of course, we have to show that Δ\Delta is well-defined (i.e., if you pick two different representatives then you will get the same distance), and that is exercise 24(b) in [17]. Then XX^* is complete with XX isometrically embedded in XX^*, where isometrically embedded means there is a bijection with a subset of XX^* that preserves distances. What should that bijection be? Which sequence in XX^* should I correspond with a point pXp\in X. How about pp, pp, pp, ... . This is what's called the completion of XX. So if you do the completion of Q\Q with the way we have defined XX^*, then you get R\R and nothing else. So it is actually a unique construction here that we have for the completion. So this is another way of constructing R\R from Q\Q.

Bounded sequences

What is the deal with bounded sequences and why are they important?

  • Monotonically increasing (definition): A sequence {sn}\{s_n\} of real numbers is said to be monotonically increasing if snsn+1s_n\leq s_{n+1}\quad (n=1,2,3,)(n=1,2,3,\ldots).

  • Monotonically decreasing (definition): A sequence {sn}\{s_n\} of real numbers is said to be monotonically decreasing if snsn+1s_n\geq s_{n+1}\quad (n=1,2,3,)(n=1,2,3,\ldots).

  • Theorem about monotonic bounded sequences: Suppose {sn}\{s_n\} is monotonic. Then {sn}\{s_n\} converges if and only if it is bounded.

    Why do these sequences converge? They are increasing or decreasing to some bound BB. What do they converge to, if anything? Their supremum (when increasing) or infimum (when decreasing). Let's prove this.

    Given {sn}\{s_n\}, let s=sup(range{sn})s=\sup(\operatorname{range}\{s_n\}). Why does {sn}\{s_n\} converge to ss as a sequence? To show convergence, for every ϵ\epsilon, we have to find an NN beyond which everything is within ϵ\epsilon.

    Given ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there exists NN such that sϵ<SNss-\epsilon<S_N\leq s. But then for all nNn\geq N we have sϵ<sNsns-\epsilon<s_N\leq s_n, so this NN works for ϵ\epsilon. This is the idea.

  • Statement about regular boundedness: Some sequences diverge not because they bounce around but because they keep going in one direction.

    Let {sn}\{s_n\} be a sequence of real numbers with the following property: For every real MM there is an integer NN such that nNn\geq N implies snMs_n\geq M. We then write


    Similarly, if for every real MM there is an integer NN such that nNn\geq N implies snMs_n\leq M, we write


    We should note that we now use the symbol \to for certain types of divergent sequences, as well as for convergent sequences, but that the definitions of convergence of limit are in no way changed.

  • Note about subsequential limits: Given {sn}\{s_n\}, let E={all possible subsequential limits}E=\{\text{all possible subsequential limits}\}, where we may allow ++\infty and -\infty to be subsequential limits here. There's no harm in doing that. So now we could ask something about this set EE. As a set, EE may have a supremum and infimum. Let

    s=supEands=infE,s^*=\sup E \qquad\text{and}\qquad s_*=\inf E,

    where note that ss^* and ss_* will always exist because we are working in the extended reals. We may have ±\pm\infty, but that is not a cancer. It is worth noting, however, that ss^* and ss_* are often called the upper and lower limits of {sn}\{s_n\}, and we use the following notation to communicate this:

    lim supnsn=sandlim infnsn=s.\limsup_{n\to\infty} s_n=s^* \qquad\text{and}\qquad \liminf_{n\to\infty} s_n=s_*.
  • Note about limit superior and limit inferior: We can think of the limit superior in the following way: The limit superior is the limit of a certain set of suprema, and really what you're doing is you're looking at all the terms past a point (so below look at all the kk bigger than nn, take their supremum, and then take the limit as nn goes to infinity):

    lim supsn=limn(supk>nsk).\limsup s_n = \lim_{n\to\infty}\Bigl(\sup_{k>n} s_k\Bigr).

    The net effect of this is it chops off all the initial behavior of the sequence, and you're only looking at the long-term behavior of the sequence, and this concept arises when we talk about ratio tests. This is similar for the limit inferior:

    lim infsn=limn(infk>nsk).\liminf s_n = \lim_{n\to\infty}\Bigl(\inf_{k>n} s_k\Bigr).

    You can prove that the formulations above are equivalent to the definitions for ss^* and ss_*.

  • Example 1: If snss_n\to s then lim infsn=lim supsn=s\liminf s_n=\limsup s_n=s. If the whole sequence {sn}\{s_n\} converges, then we must have lim infsn=lim supsn=s\liminf s_n=\limsup s_n=s because we're just chopping off the initial behavior looking for the lower subsequential limit and the upper subsequential limit, and all subsequential limits have to be ss if it converges.

  • Example 2: Let


    What are lim supsn\limsup s_n and lim infsn\liminf s_n? It looks like s=1s^*=1 and s=19s_*=\frac{1}{9}. If we were to say a number is bigger than the lim sup\limsup, then what is another way of saying that? Does it mean that all the terms are less than xx if s<xs^*<x? No, but it must mean what? Not all the terms are less than xx, but can we say that eventually all of the terms are less than xx? Yes, eventually that has to be true if x>lim supsnx>\limsup s_n. (This is stated precisely as Theorem 3.17(b) in [17].)