24 - The derivative and Mean Value Theorem
The derivative and its relation to our work thus far
What is the derivative and how does it relate to what all we have developed thus far?
Prelude: Much of the machinery we have been building up in this course has been heading towards being able to understand the concepts of calculus with attention to being very rigorous about some of the definitions. So let's define the derivative. We want to understand the derivatives, what it is and what it means. We have talked a good bit about continuous functions, and now we're interested in understanding when functions are what are called differentiable. So let's make a definition.
Derivative (definition): A function is differentiable at if the following limit exists:
where but .
Remarks: The above definition probably looks very familiar. However, it often may be written slightly different in some textbooks, namely something like
The picture you might have in mind is something like the following:
So we have the graph of some function , and we want to understand what's happening at a particular point and compare that to what's happening nearby at some point (or if we used the other commonly seen definition of the derivative). If we compared what's happening, then is basically the difference in the height of the graph of the function while is the length of the interval between and . So is the "rise over the run" so you may think of it as the slope of the secant line connecting and , as demonstrated in the figure above with the dashed line representing this secant line. And now what we do with the limit is we look at the slope of the secant line as we let get closer and closer to . So we essentially have the following:
If that limit exists, then it appears that the slopes of the secant lines seem to converge, at least in this particular converge. So if we have a limit, then it is basically going to communicate the following: If we could place a secant line right at , that is it subtended the points right at and a point very close nearby, then you'd get the slope of the following line, which we often call the tangent line:
This line has slope . That's the idea. Now, of course, we could let approach from the left, but the slopes would also converge.
A non-differentiable function: The example above is to be contrasted with another example where we can run into a problem. Consider the following function:
Certainly this function is continuous at , but what happens if we look at the slopes of the secant lines? If you look at any secant on the right-hand side of , then because that line is straight you just get the slope of the line segment as the slope of the secant line. Take the limit from the right, then that limit from the right exists and it converges to the slope of the line segment. The limit from the left exists for the same reason, and it converges to a different slope. So does the limit exist? No. So the function is not differentiable at .
Some questions: Let's see if we can get a feel for how some questions should turn out to be:
- Continuity implies differentiability (?): If is continuous on , then is differentiable on ? No. The example above shows this is not necessarily the case.
- Differentiability implies continuity (?): If is differentiable on , then must be continuous on ? Yes, how do we prove this? It's not too hard if we know properties of limits. When we take the limit of a function, we know that the limit of a product is the product of the limits.
Differentiability implies continuity: If we want to verify that is continuous, then it should suffice to show that if , then
So we've just verified that , which is what it means to be continuous. So differentiable functions are continuous.
Differentiability implying continuity over an interval: If is differentiable on , then must be continuous? It's clear that must exist since is differentiable on , but must this function be continuous? Consider the following function:
This function will oscillate more and more as gets closer and closer to 0. But now we are multiplying by so this function will have an amplitude that is governed by the curve . The graphs below show what this function looks like for domains , , and , respectively, where the curves have also been graphed in blue to show the bounding behavior:
Is differentiable? Yes. Why? Well, away from 0 it's clearly differentiable, but where's the only place you might worry whether or not it's differentiable. Why, if we start looking at secant lines, with one end at 0, and the other end somewhere else, why this thing will actually have a limiting slope, the secant line. The sort of "envelope functions" (i.e., ) will start squeezing the secant lines, wherever you start putting them, enough so that if you blow the picture up then it will look more and more linear.
If we take the derivative, using results from calculus just to see what happens, then we end up with the following graphs for , where these graphs are made on the corresponding domains as those above:
What we find here is that has a derivative everywhere, but the derivative function is not continuous. The reason we chose in the expression for the variable amplitude (i.e., in ) was because if the power of happened to be less than 1, then we'd be in trouble in regards to trying to make differentiable. So it has to be bigger than 1 to make differentiable. And the power has to be less than 2 to get the derivative to blow up towards the origin. (It just needs to be a number between 1 and 2. There's nothing special about .)
So we return to our question: If is differentiable on , then must be continuous? No, as the example above illustrates. Even though the answer is no, and we see that is not always continuous, it is true that always satisfies an intermediate value property. Not only that, but we can also say that has no simple discontinuities; that is, if does have any discontinuities, then they are of the second kind.
Derivatives that are continuous: Given the result established above, namely that the derivative of a differentiable function on need not be continuous, it makes sense that we would have a name for functions whose derivatives are continuous, since this is not always the case.
We call a function a -function if exists and is continuous. So the above example is an example of a function that is not a -function. Similarly, we will call a function a -function if the th derivative exists and is continuous. We might ask ourselves whether or not there are functions that are but not . Or functions that are but not . Probably because we have names for these functions! But how might we construct such functions? Consider the function
Then is a -function (but not ) if . If , then we'll get functions that are but not , and so on. So you can construct whole classes of these things. We should note that represents continuous functions. If you take derivatives many many times and if all the derivatives exist, then we have a special name. Those are called -functions. And -functions are actually called "smooth" functions. So the word "smooth" in analysis has a technical meaning. It means all the derivatives exist and are continuous.
The following more precise definition from here may help:
-functions. A function with continuous derivatives is called a -function. In order to specify a -function on a domain , the notation is used. The most common space is , the space of continuous functions, whereas is the space of continuously differentiable functions. Of course, any smooth function is , and when , then any -function is . It is natural think of a -function as being a little bit rough, but the graph of a function "looks" smooth. Examples of functions are (for even) and , which do not have a st derivative at 0.
Results concerning derivatives: Since is a limit, then it follows from properties of limits of functions, namely the sum, difference, product, and quotient rules all follow for derivatives. So, for example, we claim that because the limit of a sum is the sum of the limits. What about ? Where does this come from? We can let , and we can give a picture as motivation for the proof. Imagine is the size of a box whose height and width are given by and . And as you increase the argument, which you might think of as time, the box is growing. So imagine at some time we have a box of height and width :
But then sometime a little later on, the height is now and the width is :
So the rate of change of would be looking at the change in the area of the box with respect to the change time. But what is the change in the area of the box? It's just the new region that's been introduced, but this region can be written in terms of two rectangles. So then we have the following:
What can we do now? How about divide both sides by ? We will get the quotient we are interested in and much more; in particular, if we take the limit as , then we get the following: