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10 - Relationship between open sets and closed sets

Where we left off last time

What happened last time? Where did we get to and where we going?

  • Topology of the real line: We were developing some of the notions involved in the topology of the real line. In particular, we talked about open and closed sets, and we want to talk a bit about their relationship today.

  • Open set: A set EE in a metric space XX is open if every point is an interior point, where by "interior point" we mean a point that has a neighborhood around it that is completely contained in EE. Consider the following picture:

    It is clear that all three points illustrated in E1E_1 are interior points. There exists a neighborhood around each of these points such that the neighborhood is completely contained in E1E_1. Of course, the closer and closer we might get to the boundary, the smaller and smaller the neighborhood would have to get in order for the neighborhood to be completely contained in E1E_1. For the set E2E_2, the point on the boundary clearly poses a problem. No matter how small I make a neighborhood of this point, the neighborhood will never be completely contained in E2E_2. Thus, E2E_2 is not an open set. So why are open sets really important? We kind of alluded to that last time, but we were just making definitions.

  • Importance of open sets: Why do we care so much about open sets? We're used to thinking of pictures in Euclidean space, but let's try to think a little more broadly. This could be any metric space. And really what I'm saying when I say that a set is open is that if I take any point pp then I can push it around a little bit and it still remains in the set EE. So to be open means I can perturb points in EE and still have them stay within EE. So an example might be to look at the set of all triples of points in the plane. Take three points in the plane. Are they collinear? Yes if they all lie on the same line, of course. Suppose we look at the set of all triples of points that are not collinear. Is such a set an open set? Intuitively yes because if three points are not collinear, then if perturb it is it not still not collinear? If you were really close to being collinear, then you may not be able to perturb it much but just a little bit. So that's one of the reasons why the concept of an open set is extremely important. It means you can push something around but it still remains in the set. Is that true of the point illustrated in E2E_2? No, if you push it around, then it may leave the set.

  • Closed sets: What does it mean for a set to be closed? A set KK is closed if KK contains all of its limit points, where by "limit point" we mean a point pp of a set SS such that every deleted neighborhood of pp contains a point of SS. Why do you think it's important for us to understand when a set is closed? What does it mean for a closed set to contain all its limit points? What's so important about have a set contain its limit points? Consider the following picture of a closed set KK:

    It might be the case as we continue our exploration of metric spaces that maybe we'll have a sequence, and we will want to know whether or not it actually has a limit. And, if so, is that limit also in the set? The example above concerns points, but we could also be talking about functions (in engineering or physics you might be concerned with whether or not a sequence of functions has a limit — it could be some wave form of some signal). We have to define what it means to be a limit of a sequence, but I claim that's very closely related to the notion of a limit point of a set. So asking whether or not a set contains all of its limit points will be a very useful consideration in the not too distant future. This is just some motivation for these concepts and why we are studying them so carefully.

Closure of a set

What exactly is the closure of a set and why is it important?

  • Closure of a set (definition): The closure of a set AA is A=AA\overline{A}=A\cup A', where AA' denotes the set of limit points of AA. Consider the sets A1A_1 and A2A_2 below.

    Is the set A1A_1 open? No, not if it contains the pictured boundary points. Is A1A_1 closed? No, it does not contain all of its limit points. But if I throw in all of the limit points, which includes a lot of stuff but in particular the so-called boundary points, then I have what looks to be a closed set, namely A2A_2. In the context of closures and the set illustrations above, we have A1=A1A1=A2\overline{A_1}=A_1\cup A_1'=A_2. Is the set A2A_2, the closure of A1A_1, actually a closed set? We certainly hope so! We hope we gave it a good name. So let's try to prove that the closure of a set is, in fact, a closed set.

  • The closure of a set is a closed set: To show A=AA\overline{A}=A\cup A' is a closed set, we must show that A\overline{A} contains all of its limit points. But what is a limit point of A\overline{A}? A point pp is a limit point of A\overline{A} if every neighborhood of pp contains a point qpq\neq p such that qAq\in\overline{A}.\

    Suppose pp is a limit point of A\overline{A}. We want to show that we must have pAp\in\overline{A}. If pp is a limit point of A\overline{A}, then every neighborhood of pp contains a point qpq\neq p such that qAq\in\overline{A}; that is, qAq\in A or qAq\in A'.\

    If we take a limit point pp of A\overline{A}, is it necessarily true that pAp\in\overline{A}? Every neighborhood of pp must contain a point qpq\neq p in A\overline{A} but such a neighborhood seems to not necessarily contain a point of AA.\

    To show pAp\in\overline{A}, we must show pAp\in A or pAp\in A'; that is, the point pp is either in AA itself or pp is a limit point of AA (i.e., any neighborhood of pp contains a point of AA). Consider any neighborhood of pp, say Nr(p)N_r(p). We want to show that Nr(p)N_r(p) contains a point of AA if Nr(p)N_r(p) is not already in AA.\

    If pAp\in A, then we are done. Thus, assume p∉Ap\not\in A. We will show that Nr(p)N_r(p) contains a point of AA. What do we know about Nr(p)N_r(p)? Since pp is a limit point of A\overline{A}, we know Nr(p)N_r(p) must contain a point of A\overline{A}; let's call such a point qq. Since qAq\in\overline{A}, it must be the case that qAq\in A or qAq\in A'. If qAq\in A, then we are done. Thus, assume q∉Aq\not\in A; that is, assume qAq\in A'. Then qq is a limit point of AA; that is, Nr(q)N_{r'}(q) contains a point of AA; let's call such a point qq'. Choose Nr(q)N_{r'}(q) such that Nr(q)Nr(p)N_{r'}(q)\subset N_r(p). If we can choose Nr(q)N_{r'}(q) in such a way, then we will be done because we will have shown that any neighborhood of pp, namely Nr(p)N_r(p), contains a point of AA, namely qNr(q)q'\in N_{r'}(q). But how do we know a neighborhood Nr(q)N_{r'}(q) such that Nr(q)Nr(p)N_{r'}(q)\subset N_r(p) actually exists?\

    Since every neighborhood is an open set, it follows that Nr(p)N_r(p) is an open set; that is, every point of Nr(p)N_r(p) is an interior point of Nr(p)N_r(p). Let qq be such an interior point. Then, by the definition of an interior point, there is a neighborhood Nr(q)N_{r'}(q) such that Nr(q)Nr(p)N_{r'}(q)\subset N_r(p). This concludes the proof.

  • Every neighborhood is an open set: Why are neighborhoods open? Consider the following figure:

    Why is it that if you give me a point pp and a neighborhood around it, NN, that I can find around any other point qq a neighborhood around it, NN', such that NNN'\subset N? The neighborhood of pp is defined by its radius. We can write the neighborhood of pp as Nr(p)N_r(p) to communicate that rr is the defining radius of the neighborhood. What can we say about the distance from pp to qq in the picture above? We must have that d(p,q)<rd(p,q)<r. Let's call this aa; that is, a=d(p,q)<ra=d(p,q)<r. What's the radius you would suggest that might work here to ensure that the neighborhood of qq is completely contained in the neighborhood of pp? It seems like rar-a should work. Is rar-a positive? Yes, because a=d(p,q)<ra=d(p,q)<r. Let this suggested radius be denoted by rr'; that is, r=rar'=r-a. Our claim, then, is that anything that's distance less than rr' from qq is going to be distance less than rr from pp. Why is that true? Triangle inequality! So this is really where we're using the metric. It's really important that we're in a metric space; otherwise, this neighborhood wouldn't necessarily be open. (It's important that we have the triangle inequality in order for neighborhoods to be open.) Our claim, more precisely stated, is that Nr(q)Nr(p)N_{r'}(q)\subset N_r(p), and we can check this by noting that if the distance from some point xx to qq is less than rr', i.e. d(x,q)<rd(x,q)<r', then d(x,p)d(x,q)+d(q,p)<r+a=rd(x,p)\leq d(x,q)+d(q,p)<r'+a=r, the key observation being that d(x,p)<rd(x,p)<r, thus justify the claim that Nr(q)Nr(p)N_{r'}(q)\subset N_r(p). The lesson here is that the triangle inequality is very important for this seemingly intuitive property to be true.

  • A set is closed if and only if it is equal to its closure:

    • ()(\rightarrow): If EE is closed then EEE'\subset E so EEEE\cup E'\subset E, and that means EE\overline{E}\subset E, and we clearly have EEE\subset\overline{E}. So E=EE=\overline{E}.
    • ()(\leftarrow): If E=EE=\overline{E}, then EE contains all of its limit points; that is, EE is closed.
  • If a set is a subset of another closed set, then the closure of such a set is also contained in the set: Let FF be a closed set. If EFE\subset F, then EF\overline{E}\subset F. What this is saying is, in some sense, we know E\overline{E} is a closed set and any other closed set that contains EE must contain E\overline{E}. So, in some sense, the closure of a set, E\overline{E}, is the smallest set that contains EE. The moral of the story here is that E\overline{E} is the smallest closed set containing EE.

    The proof sketch here is not too bad. If FF is a closed set, then FF contains all of its limit points. In particular, FF contains the limit points of EE. Another way of communicating this is to say that if pp is a limit point of EE, then pp is a limit point of FF. But FF contains all of its limit points. So all of the limit points of EE are in FF as well. So FF contains the limit points of EE as well as EE itself. Thus, EF\overline{E}\subset F.

Relationship between open and closed sets

What is the relationship between open and closed sets?

  • Motivation: We have this curious definition for an open set (i.e., a set EE is an open set if every point of EE is an interior point of EE) and a curious definition for a closed set (i.e., a set EE is a closed set if every limit point of EE is a point of EE), but they don't really seem all that related, and yet I claim there is an intimate relationship between open sets and closed sets. So what is the relationship?

  • Relationship between open and closed sets: In a metric space XX, we claim that EE is open if and only if EcE^c is closed, where EcE^c stands for the complement of EE and is defined as the set of all points not in EE; that is, EcE^c contains all of the points in XX but not in EE or simply Ec=XEE^c=X\setminus E. Or differently, E={pXp∉E}E=\{p\in X \mid p\not\in E\}. Is it true that if I am outside of a closed set then I can take a point and push it around a little and still be outside of that closed set? Yes. So let's see if we can justify this fact. Why is this theorem true?

    Let EE be an open set. Then any point xEx\in E is an interior point. What that means is that for any xEx\in E there exists a neighborhood NN of xx such that it is contained entirely in EE or, equivalently, that NN is disjoint from EcE^c. So we just turned this into a statement about the complement of EE. Consider the picture below.

    We have an open set EE and an arbitrary point xEx\in E, and the claim is that if xx has a neighborhood around it that is completely within EE, then the neighborhood of EE completely misses EcE^c which sits outside of EE but in the metric space XX. What's the goal here? The goal is to show that EcE^c contains all its limit points. And I've just picked an arbitrary point xx that's not in EcE^c that has a neighborhood that completely separates it from EcE^c. So could this point xx be a limit point of EcE^c? No! Therefore, EcE^c contains all of its limit points. More precisely, for any xEx\in E, xx is not a limit point of EcE^c. (This is because if xx were a limit point of EcE^c then any neighborhood of xx should contain a point of EcE^c, but the one we've chosen does not (as pictured above). Hence, EcE^c contains all of its limit points. We could display the outline of the proof as follows to illustrate the if and only if nature holds:

    E is open    any point xE is an interior point of E    for every xE, there exists a neighborhood of x such that N is disjoint from Ec    for every xEx is not a limit point of E    Ec contains all its limit points.    E is closed.\begin{align*} \text{$E$ is open} &\iff \text{any point $x\in E$ is an interior point of $E$}\\[1em] &\iff \text{for every $x\in E$, there exists a neighborhood of $x$ such that $N$ is disjoint from $E^c$}\\[1em] &\iff \text{for every $x\in E$, $x$ is not a limit point of $E$}\\[1em] &\iff \text{$E^c$ contains all its limit points}.\\[1em] &\iff \text{$E$ is closed}. \end{align*}

    So complements of open sets are closed and complements of closed sets are open. What can we say about unions of open sets? As an aside, are the rationals a closed set? No, because it does not contain all of its limit points. We can approach 2\sqrt{2} using rational points. So it's not closed. Are the rationals an open set? If I perturb a rational will it necessarily remain rational? No, or if you like, around any rational can I find an open set consisting of only rationals? No. So the rationals are neither open nor closed.

  • Unions of open sets: Is the union of two open sets open? Yes. Why? Every point of a union of two open sets was interior to one of the sets so it's true then, in the union of the two sets, that every point will be interior to their union because such a point has a neighborhood around it completely contained in one of those two sets, so therefore contained in both of those sets. Okay, what if I take a union of infinitely many open sets? Is that still open? What about closed sets? If I take the union of two closed sets, is the union closed? Yes, we should be able to come up with an argument for that, but it seems likely. What about the union of infinitely many closed sets? Is that necessarily closed? No, we may have some examples ready to give.

  • Unions and intersections: Suppose we look at the following sets Ki=[1+1i,11i]K_i=[-1+\frac{1}{i},1-\frac{1}{i}], which are closed sets centered around 0. If we union everything, then we get i=1Ki=(1,1)\bigcup_{i=1}^\infty K_i=(-1,1), which is not closed. Suppose {Eα}\{E_\alpha\} is a collection of sets (where we use α\alpha here to make it clear that there may be uncountably many sets in our collection; α\alpha is just an element of some indexing set AA, where AA may be uncountable; one is typically used to using an indexing set of natural numbers, but the indexing set could also be the set of real numbers). Then

    (αAEαc)c=αAEαc.\biggl(\bigcup_{\alpha\in A} E_\alpha^c\biggr)^c=\bigcap_{\alpha\in A} E_\alpha^c.

    Let's prove this. We have the following:

    x(αAEαc)c    x∉Eα (for any Eα)    xEαc (for all α)    xαAEαc.\begin{align*} x\in\biggl(\bigcup_{\alpha\in A} E_\alpha^c\biggr)^c &\iff x\not\in E_\alpha\ (\text{for any $E_\alpha$})\\[1em] &\iff x\in E_\alpha^c\ (\text{for all $\alpha$})\\[1em] &\iff x\in\bigcap_{\alpha\in A} E_\alpha^c. \end{align*}

    This fact will be very useful to us now that we have noted that open sets are complements of closed sets.

  • A four-part theorem: We have the following:

    • An arbitrary union of open sets is, in fact, open.
      • Proof. If xαUαx\in\bigcup_\alpha U_\alpha, where each UαU_\alpha is open, then what does it mean for xx to be in the union αUα\bigcup_\alpha U_\alpha? Well, that means xx is in at least one of the sets UαU_\alpha. Our goal here is to show that every point xx in the union αUα\bigcup_\alpha U_\alpha has a neighborhood around it that's completely contained inside αUα\bigcup_\alpha U_\alpha. Okay, since xαUαx\in\bigcup_\alpha U_\alpha, it must be the case that xUαx\in U_\alpha for some UαU_\alpha. So xx has a neighborhood NxN_x such that xNxUαx\in N_x\subset U_\alpha, but UααUαU_\alpha\subset \bigcup_\alpha U_\alpha, as desired. So we have the desired neighborhood.
      • The arbitrary intersection of closed sets is closed.
      • Proof. Suppose BαB_\alpha are closed. Then Uα=BαcU_\alpha=B_\alpha^c are open. So these are a bunch of things that are open and the union of a bunch of open sets is open. So its complement is closed. But isn't UαcU_\alpha^c just BαB_\alpha? Recall we established that

        (αAEαc)c=αAEαc.\biggl(\bigcup_{\alpha\in A} E_\alpha^c\biggr)^c=\bigcap_{\alpha\in A} E_\alpha^c.

        What we have here is that

        αAUαc=(αABαc)cor simplyαABα=(αAUα)c;\bigcap_{\alpha\in A} U_\alpha^c=\biggl(\bigcup_{\alpha\in A} B_\alpha^c\biggr)^c \qquad\text{or simply}\qquad \bigcap_{\alpha\in A} B_\alpha=\biggl(\bigcup_{\alpha\in A} U_\alpha\biggr)^c;

        that is, the arbitrary intersection of closed sets BαB_\alpha is the complement of an arbitrary union of open sets UαU_\alpha. From above, we know that an arbitrary union of open sets is open, and we also know that the complement of an open set is closed. Thus, the arbitrary intersection of closed sets BαB_\alpha is closed, as desired.

      • The intersection of a finite collection of open sets is open, whereas the arbitrary intersection of open sets is not open; for example, consider i=1(1n,1n)={0}\bigcup_{i=1}^\infty(-\frac{1}{n},\frac{1}{n})=\{0\}, which is closed.
      • Proof. To establish this, you have to do something slightly different. If I intersect to two open sets U1U_1 and U2U_2, then why is their intersection going to be open? Why is it that if I pick a point in the intersection then it will be an interior point of the intersection? Consider the picture below:

        Why is it that U1U2U_1\cap U_2 will be open? Why is it that if I pick a point in their intersection then this point will be an interior point of the intersection? We know this point in the intersection is an interior point of U1U_1 and also an interior point of U2U_2, so why is it an interior point of both of them (i.e., the intersection)? Consider the point pictured in the figure with two concentric dashed circles around it. The smaller concentric circle represents the interior point contained entirely in U1U_1 while the larger concentric circle represents the interior point contained entirely in U2U_2. How do I know this point, which is certainly in the intersection of U1U_1 and U2U_2 is actually an interior point of U1U2U_1\cap U_2? Take the interior point with a neighborhood of smaller radius! In the picture above, this means taking the interior point contained entirely in U1U_1. So for finitely many open sets you would do what? Take the minimum radius one. Now, why would this idea fail in the case of infinitely many intersections? What would go wrong with this idea? The minimum would not necessarily exist because the concentric circles could get smaller and smaller and smaller. So it doesn't have a minimum. It has an infimum, but it's not going to be greater than 0. That's the problem. So here's the sketch. There exists a neighborhood Nri(x)N_{r_i}(x) for each UiU_i. Let r=min(r1,,rn)r=\min(r_1,\ldots,r_n). Then Nr(x)N_r(x) shows xx is interior to i=1nUi\bigcap_{i=1}^n U_i.

      • The union of a finite collection of closed sets is closed.
      • Proof. This follows from above (by taking complements) in a similar way that the second proof follows from the first.

Other definitions

What are some other definitions that might be useful before calling it a day?

  • Density of a set in a metric space: A set EE is said to be dense in a metric space XX if every point of XX is a limit point of EE or in EE (or both). So an example of this would be that Q\Q is dense in R\R because isn't it true that every point in R\R is a limit point of Q\Q or a rational number itself? That is true. Here's another way of saying this: If every point of XX is a limit point of EE or in EE, then every point of XX is necessarily in the E\overline{E}, the closure of EE. So we could say that EE is dense in XX if E=X\overline{E}=X. Or, alternatively, if we have that E=X\overline{E}=X, then that means that any open set in XX contains a point in EE — that's what E=X\overline{E}=X means. You give me any point in XX, then any open set around it contains a point of EE. In sum, the following are all equivalent ways of saying that a set EE is dense in XX:

    1. A set EE is said to be dense in a metric space XX if every point of XX is a limit point of EE or in EE (or both).
    2. E=X\overline{E}=X.
    3. Any open set of XX contains a point in EE.

    To give some intuition as to what this might mean for other metric spaces, you might want to know, for example, if I have a bunch of functions, can I approximate it by sines and cosines, or sums of sines and cosines. That's what Fourier analysis is all about. That is, in some sense, asking the question of whether or not a certain subset of functions is dense in a whole space of functions. Is the set of all polynomial functions dense in the set of all continuous functions? Is the set of linear combinations of sines and cosines dense in a set of periodic functions? That's really what we're saying.