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18 - Series

Where we left off last time

Where did we leave off last time and where were we going?

  • Recap: Last time we talked about sequences, and this time we will talk about an associated topic, namely series. Before plunging into series, let's recall some more of what we did last time:
    • Sequence convergence: We said that a sequence {pn}\{p_n\} converges to pp means the following: For every ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there is an NN such that nNn\geq N implies d(pn,p)<ϵd(p_n,p)<\epsilon.
      • Cauchy sequences: A sequence {pn}\{p_n\} is Cauchy means the following: For every ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there is an NN such that n,mNn,m\geq N implies that d(pn,pm)<ϵd(p_n,p_m)<\epsilon.
      • Convergence, Cauchyness, completeness: Convergent sequences are Cauchy. In complete spaces, Cauchy sequences converge.
      • Completeness of the reals: R\R is complete, so use Cauchy definition to test sequences for convergence.
      • Completion of an incomplete space: If you have a space that is not complete, then you can complete it. (Think of how the completion of Q\Q is R\R.) There is a completion which is basically defined to be the set of all Cauchy sequences under some equivalence relation, and if you take a look at that, then you can put a metric on it in a nice way. You get a space that is, in fact, complete. And this is an alternative way of constructing R\R from Q\Q from Dedekind cuts. And there was a question as to how do you do that if it looks like you're making definitions in terms of limits of distances. There's really not a problem because you just avoid referencing limits and you can still do everything. All you're doing is constructing the space, and it's only later that you define a metric on the space. So define the set of all Cauchy sequences. You can talk about what it means for two Cauchy sequneces to be equivalent, and you can just avoid referencing taking the distance between two points. What do you do? You're just talking about the difference of two rational numbers, and you can talk about that. You can say what it means for that to get small, close to 0. So there's really not a problem with constructing the reals from rationals in that way.


What are series and why are they important?

  • Basic idea: We want to talk about series, which is basically an example of a particular kind of sequence. So let's make some definitions here.

  • Motivation: Just to get the ball rolling, the motivation is to try to understand sums of different forms. For example, what does the following mean:


    Of course, if there were no "\cdots" then we would know what this means. We talked about addition of fractions previously. But once the ellipses are thrown in, then once again we are wrestling with the infinite. In particular, what does the above mean if we write


    Or what would this mean:


    We could write


    to communicate we think this infinite sum is 0. Surely no one can argue with the fact that the sum of infinitely many zeros is zero. But perhaps we group the terms in the following way:


    Or maybe we could argue with Euler who said we should think of


    So this idea of an infinite sum we have to make meaningful somehow. We can't just throw around a bunch of infinite sums and expect everybody to get the same answer.

  • Grade school days (geometric series): We should be able to add something like the following:


    We know the above because it is a special case of something like


    but again we have to ask ourselves why this is true? Perhaps we could multiply (1+x+x2+x3+)(1x)(1+x+x^2+x^3+\cdots)(1-x) to get 1 to show why, but does doing that really make any sense? Maybe a little, but it's still worrying a bit. If we're not too careful, then we could add some things like


    Or even


    We could also get


    This is the kind of nonsense we can get if we are not careful, and Euler did exactly that actually. We have to make some sense of all of this in some way. Let's try to define a series in a meaningful way.

  • Series (definition): Given a sequence {an}\{a_n\}, we use the notation

    n=pqan(pq)\sum_{n=p}^q a_n\qquad(p\leq q)

    to denote the sum ap+ap+1++aqa_p+a_{p+1}+\cdots+a_q. (The expression for sns_n stands for the nnth partial sum.) With {an}\{a_n\} we associate a sequence {sn}\{s_n\}, where

    sn=k=1nak.s_n=\sum_{k=1}^n a_k.

    We would have the following first few partial sums for the sequence discussed earlier:


    Certainly these partial sums form a sequence, namely


    For {sn}\{s_n\} we also use the symbolic expression


    or, more concisely,

    n=1an.\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n.

    This symbol is sometimes called an infinite series or just a series. The numbers sns_n are called the partial sums of the series. If {sn}\{s_n\} converges to ss, we say that the series converges, and we write

    n=1an=s.\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n=s.

    The number ss is called the sum of the series; but it should be clearly understood that ss is the limit of a sequence of sums, namely

    n=1an=limnsn=limnk=1nak=s\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n=\lim_{n\to\infty} s_n=\lim_{n\to\infty}\sum_{k=1}^n a_k=s

    and is not obtained simply by addition. If {sn}\{s_n\} diverges, the series is said to diverge. Sometimes, for convenience of notation, we shall consider series of the form

    n=0an.\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n.

    And frequently, when there is no possible ambiguity, or when the distinction is immaterial, we shall simply write Σan\Sigma a_n in place of n=1an\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n or n=0an\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n.

    So a series is a sequence, and the sequence's terms are partial sums. It should then be clear that every theorem about sequences can be stated in terms of series (putting a1=s1a_1=s_1 and an=snsn1a_n=s_n-s_{n-1} for n>1n>1), and vice versa. But it is nevertheless useful to consider both concepts.

    Informally, you can think of series as sums of a bunch of terms. Formally, we say no, what we mean is the partials sums as a sequence. We should really stick to the formal outlook because the informal one is exactly what leads to problems like the ridiculousness discussed above.

  • Questions about series: Since we've defined a series as a special kind of sequence, namely a sequence of partials sums, it is natural to ask questions about this. We will often be interested when a series converges, for instance. We will say a series converges if the associated sequence does.

  • Convergence of series: When does a series converge? We could simply say that a series converges if and only if its associated sequence of partial sums converges, but that trades one problem for another problem. When does the sequence of partial sums converge? If an=1na_n=\frac{1}{n}, then does the series


    converge? Of course, by asking whether or not this series converges, we are really asking whether or not the sequence of partial sums


    converges. The series in question has a special name (the harmonic series). How did we answer this question last time? We used the Cauchy criterion; that is, we checked whether or not {sn}\{s_n\} was Cauchy. We looked at smsns_m-s_n, but what is the difference of partial sums if you add the first mm terms and then subtract the first nn terms? It's just all the terms in between. So for a series, checking the Cauchy criterion amounts to just checking a bunch of tails of things. So if m>nm>n, we have


    It's all the terms in between. And we showed last time, in fact, that s2nsn>12s_{2n}-s_n>\frac{1}{2}. Thus, {sn}\{s_n\} is not Cauchy, especially evident when we take ϵ<12\epsilon<\frac{1}{2}. There's no point in the sequence beyond which all of the terms are close because you could always find a number sns_n and another number s2ns_{2n} twice as far out whose difference is bigger than a half. So we know {sn}\{s_n\} is not Cauchy and therefore does not converge. This is the general criterion and what we call the Cauchy criterion for series.

  • Cauchy criterion (for sequences): In [17], more specifically Theorem 3.11, we note the fact (contained in that theorem) that a sequence converges in Rk\R^k if and only if it is a Cauchy sequence is usually called the Cauchy criterion for convergence.

  • Cauchy criterion (for series): The series Σan\Sigma a_n converges if and only if for every ϵ>0\epsilon>0 there is an integer NN such that if mnNm\geq n\geq N then

    k=nmak<ϵ.\biggl|\sum_{k=n}^m a_k\biggr|<\epsilon.

    What you see above is really just a bunch of tails of these series. So in a series like


    past some point are any possible sums you take past some point going to be less than ϵ\epsilon? That's the question.

  • The tail of a sequence or series: See here and here for write ups on limits, neighborhoods, and tails. (Write up consequences more thoroughly.)

  • Immediate corollary of Cauchy criterion for series: For the Cauchy criterion for series, there's an immediate corollary we get by letting m=nm=n. If Σan\Sigma a_n converges, this implies what if we choose m=nm=n? The terms have to go to 0 because the terms, for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there's some point in the sequence beyond which all of the terms are smaller than ϵ\epsilon. So this means Σan\Sigma a_n convergent implies that limnan=0\lim_{n\to\infty} a_n=0 (i.e., the terms go to 0, and this is sometimes called the term test for convergence). What about the converse? If limnan=0\lim_{n\to\infty} a_n=0, then is it necessarily the case that Σan\Sigma a_n converges? No. Can we see an example? How about the harmonic series? That will do.

  • Theorem about non-negative series: If an0a_n\geq0, then Σan\Sigma a_n converges if and only if the partial sums are bounded. Can we see why this is true? Well, if an0a_n\geq0, then all the terms are bigger than or equal to 0, and the partial sums are thus increasing monotonically. And we know from a theorem last time that bounded, monotonic sequences converge. So the proof is sketched out as follows.

    If an0a_n\geq0, then the partial sums are monotonically increasing, but bounded monotone sequences converge, thus concluding the proof. This is a nice consequence of the Cauchy criterion. In fact, we will see that most of the convergence tests from calculus you have seen boil down to applying the Cauchy criterion in some useful way.

  • Comparison tests: If you give me a series I know nothing about, then I can take one that I do know something about, and what can I do? I can compare them in some way. I can bound one by another.

    • Comparison test 1: If ancn|a_n|\leq c_n for nn large enough, say nN2n\geq N_2, and Σcn\Sigma c_n converges, then Σan\Sigma a_n converges.
    • Comparison test 2: If andn0a_n\geq d_n\geq0 for nn large enough, and if Σdn\Sigma d_n diverges, then Σan\Sigma a_n diverges.
  • Proof of comparison test 1: Fix ϵ>0\epsilon>0. Since Σcn\Sigma c_n converges, we can use the Cauchy criterion. For this ϵ\epsilon, there exists N1N_1 such that m,nN1m,n\geq N_1 implies k=mnck<ϵ|\sum_{k=m}^n c_k|<\epsilon. Now what I want to do is show the same criterion for the aa's, and I need to find a big enough NN that works. What NN should work? Let N={N1,N2}N=\{N_1,N_2\}. Then for m,nNm,n\geq N, ΣakΣakΣck<ϵ|\Sigma a_k|\leq\Sigma|a_k|\leq\Sigma c_k<\epsilon, as desired.

  • Proof of comparison test 2: Could we just use comparison test 1 to prove comparison test 2? The contrapositive of comparison test 1 states that if Σan\Sigma a_n converges, then Σdn\Sigma d_n converges. Well, how do we now show that if Σan\Sigma a_n converges then Σdn\Sigma d_n converges? Well, dnd_n is smaller than ana_n in absolute value, and we needed the nonnegativity here. And we need nonnegativity in the statement of the second comparison test because if we didn't have nonnegativity, then is it possible that Σdn\Sigma d_n diverges but Σan\Sigma a_n converges? Yeah, especially if the dnd_n's are really negative and you're adding a bunch of negative things and they're going off to minus infinity.

  • Using the comparison tests: Now that we have the comparison tests, a good thing to ask ourselves is what should we start comparing things to? Well, the first basic sequence to compare to is the geometric series. Here's a theorem: If x<1|x|<1, then n=1xn=11x\sum_{n=1}^\infty x^n=\frac{1}{1-x}. If x1|x|\geq1, then Σxn\Sigma x^n diverges. Now, we're going to use comparison to compare a lot of things to the geometric series, but how are we going to show the geometric series converges or diverges under the given conditions?

    Well, to show something converges directly, you should go back to the partial sums. What are the partial sums here? We are going to momentarily assume that x1x\neq1. Let sn=1+x++xns_n=1+x+\cdots+x^n. Now, this is a finite sum, so you can't really stop me from multiplying sns_n by 1x1-x and seeing that you actually just get the following:


    where this result is just due to simple polynomial arithmetic. Now what? These are the partial sums. Take the limit! So


    as desired, where we've used the fact that 0x<10\leq x<1. Now, if x1x\geq1, then the terms do not go to zero so the series Σxn\Sigma x^n diverges.

  • Remark on theorems concerning series: In one fell swoop, we've actually just eliminated many of the major theorems about series, and we care a lot about series because, well, there are many examples: In calculus, for example, if you're doing limits of Riemann sums, then that's the sum of a bunch of little areas of blocks. If you're constructing wave functions, wave forms from a bunch of sines and cosines, you're adding infinitely many of them, you have to worry if the sums at any given point actually converge. That's a series.

Series results

What are some other results concerning series we can establish that might be useful?

  • Opening remarks: Earlier we showed that the harmonic series, which is the sum of the reciprocals, diverges. It does not converge. So here's a question: What can we say about the sum Σ1np\Sigma \frac{1}{n^p}? Does it converge or diverge? And, if so, for which pp? We know that if p=1p=1, then this sum diverges. What if p>1p>1? Well, if p=2p=2, then we get π26\frac{\pi^2}{6}. What about p=12p=\frac{1}{2}? Or p=2p=-2? Another certain theorem by Cauchy may be of use here.

  • Cauchy's condensation test (see [17] for other proof): Suppose a1a2a30a_1\geq a_2\geq a_3\geq\cdots\geq0. Then the series n=1an\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n converges if and only if the series

    k=02ka2k=a1+2a2+4a4+8a8+\sum_{k=0}^\infty 2^ka_{2^k}=a_1+2a_2+4a_4+8a_8+\cdots

    converges. The idea is that we will compare these sequences to each other.

    Let's see that there's a good comparison in at least one direction. Let


    and note how we've strategically grouped the terms in blocks of powers of 2. Now let


    By looking at the terms of sns_n and tkt_k grouped the way they are, we can see what looks to be a good comparison. But what's a good comparison here? Well, just compare the suggested groupings above highlighted by parentheses. We'll imagine


    changing to

    sna1+(a2+a2)+(a4+a4+a4+a4)++tk.s_n\leq a_1+(a_2+a_2)+(a_4+a_4+a_4+a_4)+\cdots+t_k.

    So we'll make the comparison by imagining that tkt_k converges to show that sns_n converges as long as we pick nn and kk appropriately. So that's the idea. Notice that if n<2kn<2^k, then sn<tks_n<t_k. That's really what we've just done. As long as sns_n ends before tkt_k goes out to that point, then we're in good shape, and everything else we have is extra. That's the idea. What about the other direction?

    Well, we'd have




    and once again we have a comparison but in the other direction. We can make 2sn2s_n bigger than tkt_k. So if n>2kn>2^k, then tk<2snt_k<2s_n, and we'll use comparison here. And if the sns_n converges so does the 2sn2s_n. That's the idea. This may have seemed like a rather curious theorem, but it will be useful in considering the harmonic series.

  • Convergence or divergence of the harmonic series: The sum Σ1np\Sigma \frac{1}{n^p} converges if p>1p>1 and diverges if p1p\leq 1. Let's prove this.

    Let's first dispose of a case where it's clear it doesn't converge. If we take p<0p<0, then this just becomes stuff like Σ1n2\Sigma \frac{1}{n^{-2}} which clearly does not converge. Terms do not go to zero. So if p0p\leq0, then the terms do not go to zero and the series diverges. If p>0p>0, then consider k=02k12kp=k=02(1p)k\sum_{k=0}^\infty 2^k\frac{1}{2^{kp}}=\sum_{k=0}^\infty 2^{(1-p)k}. What kind of sum is this? It's geometric, and we know the geometric series converges when the ratio is strictly less than 1. Now, 21p<12^{1-p}<1 if and only if 1p<01-p<0 or simply p>1p>1 which gives us our condition for convergence (and diverges otherwise), and the result follows by comparison with the geometric series by taking x=21px=2^{1-p}.

  • A nice application: The series k=01n!\sum_{k=0}^\infty\frac{1}{n!} arises frequently. (The Taylor series is a prime example.) We have


    converges to something we call ee. (We can define ee this way.) Let's just convince ourselves that the series in question converges to something. Why does it converge to something? Are the terms nonnegative? Yes, so the sequence is increasing. So if we can show the partial sums are bounded then we will be in good shape. Are they bounded? Yes, the partial sums are bounded, and that's easy to show. We'd have

    k=01n!=10!+11!+12!+13!+14!+<1+1+12+14+18+<3.\begin{align*} \sum_{k=0}^\infty\frac{1}{n!} &=\frac{1}{0!}+\frac{1}{1!}+\frac{1}{2!}+\frac{1}{3!}+\frac{1}{4!}+\cdots\\[1em] &< 1+1+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{8}+\cdots\\[1em] &< 3. \end{align*}

    So the partial sums are bounded by 3 and the terms are nonnegative so our series converges to something. Let's let that something be called ee. We don't know anything about ee, but let's call ee what this series converges to. How fast does our series converge? We claim the convergence is actually very rapid. Why? Let's look at the partial sums of the series:


    Now let's go out to the nnth term and look at esne-s_n. Well that's just

    esn=1(n+1)!+1(n+2)!+<1(n+1)!(1+1n+1+1(n+1)2+)<1(n+1)!n+1n=1nn!.\begin{align*} e-s_n &=\frac{1}{(n+1)!}+\frac{1}{(n+2)!}+\cdots\\[1em] &<\frac{1}{(n+1)!}\biggl(1+\frac{1}{n+1}+\frac{1}{(n+1)^2}+\cdots\biggr)\\[1em] &<\frac{1}{(n+1)!}\cdot\frac{n+1}{n}\\[1em] &= \frac{1}{n\cdot n!}. \end{align*}

    So after all is said and done, what you see is how rapid its convergence is. The nnth term is no farther from ee, whatever ee is, than the very very small number 1nn!\frac{1}{n\cdot n!}.

    Why did we point that out? We can use this to see very quickly that ee is irrational. The convergence is so rapid there's no way ee could have been a rational number. Why? If ee were some rational number, say e=mne=\frac{m}{n}, then consider the nnth partial sum sns_n and look at esne-s_n which we know from above is 1nn!\frac{1}{n\cdot n!}. Then note that


    where esn>0e-s_n>0 because that quantity just represents all of the leftover nonnegative terms. So we really have


    But notice what happens here. If e=mne=\frac{m}{n} is rational, then n!e=n!mn=ηZn!\cdot e=n!\cdot\frac{m}{n}=\eta\in\Z and also n!sn=Zn!\cdot s_n=\ell\in\Z. So if ee were rational, then we'd have some integer η+=γ\eta+\ell=\gamma, where


    which clearly cannot be the case for any integer γ\gamma.